Present in Indonesia, Nokia E72 targeting the enthusiast E-mail users

| Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Having previously released a limited basis, Nokia E72 finally comes to an official in the Indonesian market area. The phone is claimed is ideal for users who rely heavily on email.

Nokia officially presence in Indonesia was marked by an event of social nuance in the Atrium Plaza Senayan. This event brings some social activists such as banner Pragiwaksono (Indonesia Unite), Daniel Mananta (DAMN! I Love Indonesia), Iwan and Esjepe Indah (Indonesia Act), Nia Dinata, Hanny and Nia Kusumawati Sadjarwo (Coin A Chance), Toto Sugito ( Bike to Work) and Ade Purnama (Friends of the Museum).

This was conveyed by Nokia in a written statement received ITGazine, Tuesday (24/11/2009). "The purpose of this activity other than holding the latest product launch of the Nokia is, to provide inspiration to the people of Indonesia to begin the real action to Indonesia, starting from the simple things in everyday life," said Bob McDougall, General Manager, Nokia Indonesia.

While globally, the Nokia E72 is packaged as a product for those who rely heavily on email in everyday communication. Ukko Lappalainen, Vice President, Nokia, says that the average person using the email within 5 x 24 hours per year.

From the physical aspect, the Nokia E72 has a QWERTY keyboard like the Nokia E71. Meanwhile, inside features include functions such as Mail Ovi, Ovi Maps, Nokia Messaging and other applications.

Has not officially stated what the price of the Nokia E72 for Indonesian market. However, information on the Nokia site says the estimated price of this product, internationally, in the range of USD 4.9 million.

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