Move to Internet advertisers, Rupert Murdoch left the newspaper

| Monday, November 23, 2009

Media giant News Corporation will reduce the portion of the newspaper business portfolio. The group is owned by Rupert Murdoch pay TV business increase, especially in the areas of Western Europe and India.

James Murdoch, News Corp. Group Head for Europe and Asia, last weekend, said it would remain consistent across lines of business journalism.

Billionaire Rupert Murdoch's son was admitted through these means to find new revenue. So far, many advertisers in the newspaper moved to the Internet. "Structurally, much more lucrative television and big prospects," said Murdoch.

News Corp. plans to sell digital versions of the Times to the customer, beginning next year. They also have the Wall Street Journal and Pearson's Financial Times.

James Harding, editor of the Times newspaper in England, last week confessed that they planned to make the publication of digital content starting next spring.

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